Week 2 of my Half Disney Marathon Training: Ode to Inspiration

First run with San Gabriel Valley, Team in Training team on May 24, 2014
First run with San Gabriel Valley, Team in Training team on May 24, 2014

Inspiration is the topic of discussion this week.

I want to thank the people who consistently inspire me…and to the one’s who have recently inspired me.

I recently received news that a coworker/friend was diagnosed with Lymphoma and another friend’s cancer has returned. Personally, I have never known anyone who was diagnosed with cancer so this was all knew to me. Besides being sadden by the news, my heart went out to them and their family. It is hard to see anyone go through such a struggle physically, mentally and emotionally.

These two have inspired me because of their positive attitude and their fight and drive to beat this deadly disease. I think this is inspiration to anyone who struggles with anything.

With all this inspiration, it got me thinking about how I can do more to give back. This is how I came to join Team in Training and decide to run the Disney Half Marathon. I want to help make a difference, not only for my friends but for anyone who is battling cancer.

We always hear that life is too short and make sure to enjoy every minute, and although these sayings are cliche’s, they still hold true. I am making sure that I enjoy this journey and hopefully help inspire other’s like I have been inspired.

This week’s goals were to keep to my training by running 3 mile run’s 3 days this week and 5 miles today. I was able to run 13.5 miles. This is the most running I have ever done in one week…and I enjoyed it!

To my friends and to the one’s closest to me, thank you for inspiring me!