Print Dried Fruits ‘n Nuts Bread (Hälsobröd) Sometimes I am amazed at how easy and fun it is to make a recipe from scratch. I was not raised to make cakes from scratch, so I always thought that everyone made cakes, pancakes, and anything of that nature from a box. Boy, was I wrong!Lately, my […]
The Magic Behind Aztec Secret Indian Healing Clay

Let’s face it, our bodies go through so much change throughout our lifetime. The older we get, the more we need to focus on taking care of our health, body and mind. This, of course, includes skincare. With age comes wrinkles, sun spots, uneven skin tone, and – unfortunately – the list goes on. Since I […]
Old Town Pasadena Farmers Market “Fall Harvest Festival”

Every Sunday from 9am-2pm you can find many Pasadenians shopping and eating at the Old Pasadena Farmers Market. The beauty behind this farmers market – it takes place on the weekend and the BEST part is this is a yearly farmers market instead of being seasonal. Today, they held their “Fall Harvest Festival” which included […]
Hiking My Way Through Los Angeles

Whether you’re looking for an easy, cool, shady, more rigorous, steep, or something in between kind of trail, you’ll find find what you are looking for at the La Tuna Canyon Trail, an 1,100-acre park on the north slope of the Verdugo Mountains. My friend, her cute doggy and I hiked this trail and decided to take on the […]